Wednesday 9 November 2011


These are some pictures my grandparents sent us a while ago to provide evidence that my father's childhood was documented despite his insistence that no photographs exist of him as a child. I can't help but feel excited for Christmas when I look at this set of images; something about the snow piled enticingly high and the presence of my grandpa who is whole heartedly embodies family which is all the season represents to me.

Although I disagree with the generic Christmas music playing in shops and other aspects of Christmas preparation far in advance of the date, I'm selectively in favour of early excitement for the festive period. Starbucks red cups, for instance, I feel an intense anticipation for. After the separation from some of my best friends for university, the holidays therefore have an added sense of childish longing because I yearn for the company of these people and all the other things encompassed by celebrations.

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